Mrs Hermitage:
And this time I just happened to fill it in and to send it off – which is something very unusual; I don’t usually send them off – I just get the satisfaction of filling them in. Absolutely great!
Oak Tree:

So…with your chair, it comes with this transformer box…ok? And in the back are two of these nine-volt batteries – like the ones you get in your fire alarms…the rectangular ones. So if there is a power cut and you are lying back in your chair, they take over automatically for you.
This chair has a waterfall back. The top cushion has a zip. And the bottom two are both Velcro, so you can move them up and down slightly and roll them in and out to help support your back. Also, there is a zip in the back of each cushion that allows you to access the stuffing if you ever want to make it a bit softer or put a bit more in.
The controller comes in the pocket in the side here. And if you drop the controller on the floor you can just reach around and grab the loop and pull it up. Do you want to take a seat now and give it a try? With the controller, there are two buttons…ok? The right-hand button will raise your legs. And the left one will bring them back down. Hold the right one down first…your legs will come up first. When you press the left one, the chair rises up making it easier for you to stand up.
Mrs Hermitage:
It’ll be great because I have artificial knees – and I’m waiting to have artificial hips! And when I can’t sleep, I do come down and sleep here rather than the bed. I’ll put a blanket over myself and curl up.
I found Oak Tree Mobility very very helpful and very experienced. And they delivered on time. I’m still really trying to come to terms with it…that I’ve actually won something for a change.